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Re: How to send money back home (China - 未名空间精华区
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Re: How to send money back home (China

发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: UniteFamily
标 题: Re: How to send money back home (China)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Jul 11 10:02:25 2000), 转信

The fastest way is to send by wire (Dian(4)Hui(4)). Transfer
the money you want to send to your Checking account, then
simply go to your bank and tell the clerk you want to send
some money by wire and give him your parents' acount no. in
Bank of China(I think other bank in China may not work) ,
follow his instruction to fill in some forms
and you are done ! Sending money by wire is very quick, your
parents will receive your money in three days. But the deficiency
is the fee is relatively high. For example, I am a customor of
Huntington bank and when I send my money home by wire, it took me
$40. Be sure to check your bank about the fee.

Another choice may just send back your personal check, just the
one you use here. But the prerequisite is your bank should be a
bank can cope with international business. As far as I know,
Bank 1 is OK, but small bank like 3/5 doesn't work. Anyway, if
you are in other Bank, be sure to check to
them about this possibility. The advantage of such method is
it's cheap: Genereally only a mailing fee($3.20), which is used
for you to send your personal check to your parents by first class
mail, is necessary. The dificiency is it's slow and
somewhat troublesome. Your parents must wait, say, 1 month, for
the arriving of your personal check. Then they will have to go
to Bank of China, give the personal check to the bank, and wait
another 1 month for the bank to verify whether your check is
valid. Sometimes the process will take even longer time and
during this period, be sure to keep enough money in your
checking account. If you happen to have no enough money in
the account one day and it happens the bank verify your check
that day, you
can imagine what will happen.�

� 在 bluecrab (bluecrab) 的大作中提到: 】 : Does anyone know what is the best way(s) to send money from : US to China? : Thanks, : BlueCrab

网友甲:那个家伙身为BM,回答的问题错误百出,我要投诉!!! :(
拿他的回答当放P就是了。 :)

※ 修改:.bystander 于 Jul 11 10:05:23 修改本文.[FROM:]
※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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